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Global professional membership body, the Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) has joined forces with leading training facility, The Fire Service College (FSC), to boost the number of new entrants to the profession during National Apprenticeship Week. In a bid to drive recruitment and encourage young talent, the industry bodies are demonstrating the varied and diverse career opportunities that derive from apprenticeships.

Following the introduction of The Fire Safety (England) Regulations on 23rd January, fire engineers are more in-demand than ever before and a crucial resource across all aspects of fire safety in new and existing residential building developments. Following the outcome of Phase 1 of the Grenfell Tower public inquiry, the new legislative framework will see the UK’s fire industry change dramatically, encouraging a collaborative effort when it comes to fire safety. Changes to current regulations have increased obligations for responsible persons, subsequently uncovering a massive requirement for competent and qualified professionals across all aspects of fire safety.

The apprenticeship pathway offers a solid foundation in which to grow a prosperous career within the sector and being confined to a firefighter role is a common misconception. Fire engineers cover a huge range of jobs from being first response to designing products, conducting investigations, assessing risks and exploring behaviour patterns. The various job roles within the sector influence the buildings we live in, the transport we use and the products we buy, and all work towards protecting people, property and the environment from the devastating effects of fire.